Life Insurance

Our advisers have over 60 years experience to ensure our clients have the most appropriate insurance covers to protect their personal income, assets and family lifestyle.  We offer a full range of life, trauma, TPD and income protection insurances for individuals and buy/sell, keyperson and loan protection for businesses.


Understanding Your Insurance Needs

We conduct a thorough analysis of your personal and business situation to ensure you have a level of protection that covers all of your assets and particularly your income. With over 60 years experience we have the knowledge to ensure you are given expert advice tailored to your needs. We often review existing policies provided through other institutions and are able to identify more cost effective solutions or areas of underinsurance.


Individual Insurances

Life Insurance
Life insurance (term policies) provides a lump sum payment on the death of the insured individual. Some policies pay on the diagnosis of a terminal condition. In the event of death your estate or nominated beneficiary will be paid a lump sum of money. A minimum level of insurance should be in place to cover;

  • The clearing of all debt e.g. mortgage, personal loans, business debt and credit cards
  • Recover medical and funeral costs
  • A residual amount that can be invested by dependents to provide your family with a replacement income stream


There are dozens of different contracts with varying payment conditions and definitions. We specialise in securing the right policy for you. In the event of a claim we personally manage the process to minimise inconvenience and stress.


Income Protection
A key asset of every family is the capacity of its primary income earners to generate the weekly income to pay bills and provide your lifestyle. Height Financial Services are income protection specialists - Click here to find out more information on income protection


Total & Permanent Disability
This type of policy is linked to a life insurance (term policy). In the event of the life insured being ‘totally and permanently disabled’ they are able to receive a lump sum payment. An example of the benefit of a lump sum payment is where a person is disabled and requires capital to make their house wheelchair friendly.


Trauma Insurance
Trauma insurance pays a lump sum payment when you are diagnosed with a prescribed condition. These policies ensure individuals are protected against illnesses or injuries that may require them not to earn an income for a period of time. Whereas income protection pays an income stream, trauma provides a lump sum where you do not need to be totally and permanently disabled.


Obtaining an Insurance Review
We are happy to review your current level of insurance cover. Please click here to arrange a review. ›››


Business Insurance

Buy/Sell Insurance
Buy/sell insurance is one of the funding mechanisms that is used by business partners when they enter into a buy/sell agreement to ensure the surviving partners are able to fund the departure of another partner from the business in the event of death or total and permanent disability. The insurance policy provides the surviving partners with the means to buy out the deceased/disabled partner. This eliminates the need for a sale of the departed partner’s stake and the accompanying complications that can occur.


Keyperson Insurance
One of the key assets of a business is its people. With a number of senior people or specialists, their death or total disability can cause a major disruption to the business and cause financial hardship, e.g. loss of intellectual property or some key accounts. Keyperson insurance can be used to cover income or capital loss. It enables a lump sum or regular payments to be made to the business to enable it to cope with the loss of a key person.


Loan Protection Insurance
In the event where you have a loan that has regular repayments to be made and you are unable to generate income to cover the loan, we are able to provide loan protection insurance that will cover the repayments for the term of your disability.