Income Protection

Over your working life it is likely you will generate at least $2 million dollars in income. Your capacity to generate income is in many instances your most important asset – without it you can go into debt or even have to sell other assets, including your family home.


In most instances you are able to protect your income through an income protection policy.


There are over twenty different suppliers of income protection insurance in Australia with each insurance company providing a variety of policies and conditions. It is essential to get professional advice that can match the best policy to your occupation, level of income and needs. We have a thorough process and have over 60 years experience in identifying the right policy for our needs.


If you have a policy that is a few years old it is best to have it reviewed to ensure it continues to meet your needs. The other advantage of income protection insurance is that in most instances it is fully tax deductible.


We are happy to review your current income protection. Please click here to arrange a review. ›››